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Russia and the PRC have become even closer partners in all the spheres of the economy, education, culture, and trade. This may be confirmed by a number of the long-term projects, some of which had already been successfully completed, and the new ones have replaced them.

Among these projects, one can name the joint work on the creation and development of the satellite navigation systems as well as the joint developments in the aviation industry. These works have given an impetus for the development of high technologies in both countries, which is essential for the modern production. The development of the e-commerce also has lots of beneficial effects on the economies of both countries and on the living standards improving.

The regular mutual visits of the heads of China and Russia as well as the exchange of working groups in various spheres are the reliable indicators of the fact that the partnership between our countries will become even closer in the future.

The China-Russia cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union is aimed at improving of the welfare and the general economic development of Eurasian countries. Thus, the strengthening of relations between the two large countries can have a great impact not only on the surrounding regions, but also on the global economy.
