+7 (911) 126-20-26

Would you like to produce and sell your products in Russia without any intermediaries?

Then, we will help you register a company in Russia. That’s what we are about to do for you:

Are you not satisfied with the real estate available on the market?

We will help you build an office, manufacturing, warehouse, or commercial facility in Russia in accordance with all your requirements. Our services include:
  • selection of a plot of land;
  • support in its purchasing;
  • implementation of the full range of the construction works:
         - designing
         - construction
         - commissioning
  • assistance in providing the facility with engineering infrastructure:
         - water supply
         - sewerage
         - electric power supply
         - gas supply

Do you think that running a company located in Russia is difficult to be fulfilled from China?

We are ready to offer you business support in Russia, and we will do for you the following services:

Do you need to visit Russia for negotiations?

We can help you enter the Russian Federation and meet the partners by means of: